How to Write AutoLISP Files: A Beginner’s Guide to Automating AutoCAD

By | December 21, 2024

What is AutoLISP?

AutoLISP is a dialect of the Lisp programming language tailored specifically for AutoCAD. It allows drafters and designers to:

  • Automate repetitive tasks.
  • Create custom commands and functions.
  • Simplify complex workflows.
  • Enhance productivity by reducing manual input.

Setting Up for AutoLISP Development

Before writing your first AutoLISP file, set up your development environment:

  1. Choose a Text Editor: Use a plain text editor like Notepad or advanced editors like Visual Studio Code with an AutoLISP extension.
  2. Locate AutoCAD’s Support Path: Ensure the folder where you’ll save your .lsp files is included in AutoCAD’s support file search path.
  3. Enable the AutoLISP Console: Open AutoCAD and access the AutoLISP console by typing vlisp in the command line.

Basic Structure of an AutoLISP File

An AutoLISP file typically includes the following elements:

  • Function Definition:
    (defun C:HELLO () 
        (alert "Hello, AutoLISP!")

    C: indicates a custom command callable from AutoCAD’s command line.

  • Comments: Use a semicolon (;) to add comments.
  • Expression Syntax: AutoLISP uses parentheses to group expressions. For example:
    (+ 5 3) ; Adds 5 and 3, resulting in 8
  • Variables: Declare and assign variables using (setq):
    (setq myVar 10)

Writing Your First AutoLISP Script

Here’s a simple AutoLISP script to draw a circle:

(defun C:DRAW_CIRCLE ()
    (setq radius (getreal "Enter the circle radius: "))
    (command "CIRCLE" (getpoint "Enter center point: ") radius)


  1. Create a new file in your text editor and save it with a .lsp extension.
  2. Load the script in AutoCAD using the APPLOAD command.
  3. Run the command by typing DRAW_CIRCLE.

Key AutoLISP Functions for Beginners

  • setq: Assigns values to variables.
    (setq length 10 width 5)
  • getpoint: Prompts the user to specify a point.
    (getpoint "Select a point: ")
  • getreal: Prompts the user to input a real number.
    (getreal "Enter a value: ")
  • command: Executes AutoCAD commands.
    (command "LINE" pt1 pt2 "")
  • if: Adds conditional logic to your script.
    (if (> length width)
        (alert "Length is greater than width")
        (alert "Width is greater or equal to length")

Tips for Writing Effective AutoLISP Scripts

  • Plan Before Writing: Outline the problem and steps.
  • Comment Generously: Explain each section of code.
  • Test Frequently: Load and test your script in AutoCAD as you write.
  • Organize Functions: Break complex tasks into smaller functions.
  • Use Error Handling: Handle errors gracefully with if or cond.


AutoLISP is a powerful tool for automating tasks and enhancing productivity in AutoCAD. With practice and exploration, you can write scripts to solve real-world drafting problems efficiently. Start small, build your skills, and unlock the potential of AutoLISP!



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